Saturday, May 30, 2009


So, there are two "new" things happening in my life - sporty and sappy.

First, I am now on day 10 of running/jogging.  I have gotten up (almost) every morning at 8:00 AM, run a 1.5 mile loop, where I get to see the business elite of Greensboro make their way to work and hungover college students take an early morning smoke on their porches.  I'm starting to really like it.

Second, I used to be the girl who never cried.  Never ever.  Ask my family and friends.  Brief, related anecdote: In my apartment last year, a rock which looked like a heart ended up laying around our living room for the better part of the year.  One of my roommates, cleverly, had brought it home - the irony was just too thick not to.  I was fiddling with it one night and my friend noted that it was much like my own heart - made of stone.  I laughed, he laughed, we laughed together.  It wasn't far from the truth.

But recently, I've become a sap!  I have trouble not crying at the slightest emotional or sentimental action/story/ritual/etc.  Have I really gotten in touch with that part of myself?? I constantly am having this great, overwhelming sense of the shortness of time, of the eminence of transition, of the quick shift of the now.  So when I watch movies or read books or go to a wedding or hear about someone's pain, I get the importance of it all and I have a physical reaction.  It's weird - very different.

Now, I haven't yet cried while I jogged.  I'll let you know as soon as that happens.


  1. It's nice to have a rhythm. And it's healthy to cry.


  2. Hello, my little heart of stone. I'm glad you're finding some reasons to shed a few tears, even though right now they seem like way too many and maybe even ridiculous sometimes. We go through phases. Things balance themselves out eventually. I love you and miss you!
